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REAL WORLD NIH: Thursday, June 24, 10:00 AM

Submitted by Lori Conlan June 22, 2010
Join us LIVE this Thursday for our first REAL WORLD chat with a current NIH trainee! The trainee joining us for this live, online chat on Thursday has been invited to interview for a position at the intersection of science policy, science communication, and grants administration. To give you a better sense of the position, read through the following phrases from the job description:
  • Design and conduct evaluations that will examine many qualitative and quantitative endpoints that measure scientific productivity, scientific and public health impact, and economic return on investment
  • Write, review, and edit materials, at various levels of technical difficulty, for use in communicating information effectively and serve as the agency representative at meetings related to the areas of responsibility
  • Synthesize and simplify scientific information from all available sources into capsule narratives, determine appropriate presentation style and format, and graphically enhance scientific documents to more clearly demonstrate scientific concepts
  • Determine and implement the best approach for quantitative and qualitative assessment
  • Evaluate and communicate important scientific advances made by grantees to a diverse audience comprised of scientific professionals, congressional staff and committees, other federal, state, or local agencies and specifically-interested segments of the lay public
  • Develop and maintain contacts in scientific evaluation
  • Provide an assessment of a scientific field
  • Develop a needs analysis in which the current state of the science is evaluated and future needs are assessed
The trainee interviewing for this job has a few questions she'd like to ask before her interview takes place. Join our conversation this Thursday and have your questions answered...whether you ask them yourself or not. REAL WORLD NIH LIVE - Thursday, June 24, 2010 10:00am - 10:30am Before Thursday, visit the link above to set an event reminder for yourself. After the chat, the text of the conversation will be available at the same site. Join us for the discussion, send in your questions, or just sit back, read, and learn!

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