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Go Gov – Finding a Job in the Federal Government

Submitted by Amanda Dumsch October 1, 2015

Looking for a job in the federal government? If so, be sure to check out many of the resources offered through OITE, including:

1. How to Find and Read Job Ads USAjobs has a reputation for being hard to search, but if you take some time to familiarize yourself , you might find it is not that bad. This blog post will help you identify how to look for some keywords and job titles that work for you.

2. Which Federal Agencies and Contractors Hire Scientists? This blog post details a list of federal agencies and contractors which often hire biomedical scientists.

3.  Government Jobs for Scientists A must watch YouTube video which gives a comprehensive but quick overview of careers for doctoral-level biomedical scientists. This video discusses the different types of jobs, both at and away from the bench with the US Government. 

Outside of the OITE, the Partnership for Public Service has many resources to check out. A good place to start would be their page on working in the federal government.

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