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Decision Space Worksheet

Submitted by Amanda Dumsch August 29, 2016
Last week, we talked about how you could use the CASVE Cycle to help you make a career decision. For visually inclined and/or visual learners, you might find this Decision Space Worksheet to be more helpful as it is a cognitive mapping exercise.  It prompts you to map out, visualize, and hopefully get clarity on your decision at hand. Here’s how it works.  On the first sheet, you should list all of the thoughts, feelings, circumstances, people, and/or events that are having an impact on the decision you need to make. Then, within the larger circle on the second sheet (depicted below), you should draw smaller circles that represent each listed item on your Decision Space Worksheet. Each circle should represent the magnitude or relative importance of the item. Florida State University has made their Decision Space Worksheet free for all to use. You can access it from their website. Here is a link to the worksheet.  For your reference, an example is depicted below focusing on career values: Decision Space

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