For many NIH PhDs and post-docs in the sciences, the formula that you learned to use to find a successful academic career has been straight -forward:
Graduate Degrees + Research +Publications + Academic Job Talks + Academic Achievements (BS through PhD) = Successful Careers
You may not know that after the Post-Doc, there are some additional skills that can be added to the job search equation. Here they are:
Eight Skills Developed During Scientific Training that are Useful for the Job Search
Persistence ability to persevere towards a career goal without immediate results
Analysis ability to research careers, create job-search criteria, and evaluate fit
Networking ability to identify a professional network and to ask for career advice at
professional conferences and from alumni from your department
Web Savvy ability to use web-sites and social media to research and apply for
Teamwork & ability to lead and collaborate with diverse multi-disciplinary groups Leadership of scientists, PIs, Post Docs, MDs, and other professionals.
Science ability to talk about your expert scientific skills and knowledge
acquired from your thesis and post doc research anf publications
People Skills ability to establish rapport with employers orally and in writing
The Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) offers many programs, services, and resources to help you your plan for and succeed in a competitive academic and industry job market
- Review the services available and useful handouts through OITE at:
- Watch OITE Videocasts about job search and career options in academia, industry and beyond at:
- Register for career and job search workshops at:
- Attend the 10th Annual NIH Career Symposium on May 11, 2017 where invited NIH PhDs and Post Doc alumni scientists will discuss their pathways into specific career sectors including academia, business, industry, government, non-profit, writing and communication. Register at
- Review the OITE job postings
- Check out these additional OITE On-line resources
Feel free to schedule an individual appointment with a career counselor to talk about your specific career and job search, plan, discover your interests, values, and skills, or have a mock interviews.