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Changing Admission Criteria for Graduate Psychology Programs

Submitted by amanda.dumsch@… August 12, 2024
Snapshot of bar chart with admission criteria from APA

According to an article in the American Psychological Association (APA), graduate psychology degree program have shifted their admission criteria over the last few years. This is applicable to both master’s and doctoral level program. 

The trend has been to shift the criteria from an emphasis on standardized testing to components that more fully reflect the applicants’ experiences. This makes sense given that many graduate programs have been dropping the GRE standardized test as an application requirement


The top three admission criteria for master’s level programs are: 1. Undergraduate GPA (72%) 2. Letters of Recommendation (71%) 3. Statement of Goals and Objectives (68%).

The top three admission criteria for doctoral level programs are: 1. Letters of Recommendation (85%)  2. Research Personal Statement (84%)  3. Interview (74%). 


If you are a trainee at the NIH, the OITE can help with graduate school applications. We also have a YouTube channel playlist available to all with many helpful videos which you can access here - Graduate School: Preparation & Resources - YouTube

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