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  • The Emotional Contagion Effect at Work – How it Impacts Burnout
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  • Juneteenth – A Time for Personal Reflection and Wellness
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  • Pride Month: Embracing Your Career Journey and Your Authentic Self
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Meet OITE - Dr. Yolanda Mock Hawkins

Dr. Yolanda Mock Hawkins currently serves as the director of the NIH Academy which is a post-baccalaureate program which allows recent college graduates the opportunity to conduct biomedical research with world-renowned scientists as well as enhance their knowledge of health disparities. Prior to assuming this position Dr. Mock Hawkins led and coordinated scientific recruitment efforts at the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Intramural Research Program as the biomedical recruiter from 1999 – 2004. After receiving her undergraduate degree from Fisk University, Dr. Mock Hawkins went on to Texas Southern University, where she obtained an M.S.

219-to-212: Communication Breakdown vs. Communication Success

Yesterday's historic vote on overhauling the health care system in the U.S. could not have been much closer. The final vote in the House of Representatives on Sunday was 219-to-212, with Republicans voting unanimously against the bill. The tensions rife throughout this debate are illuminated by the language used to describe it: - "an epic political battle" (NY Times, March 22, 2010) - "a tortuous campaign" (LA Times, March 22, 2010) - "a critical logjam" (Chicago Tribune, March 21, 2010) Consider for a moment disagreements you've had with peers or supervisors, students or faculty, friends or family.

Lunch LIVE with OITE!

Friday, March 19, 2010

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Guest: Sharon L. Milgram, Ph.D. Director, NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education

Join us to chat online about careers. Have your questions and concerns answered without leaving your desk! You may visit the chat site now to set an email reminder for yourself to ring 3 hours, 1 hour, or 15 minutes before the chat begins:

Meet OITE - Anne Kirchgessner, NCC, NCCC, LCPC

As a Career Counselor within OITE, I enjoy working with postbacs, graduate students, postdocs and clinical fellows throughout all stages of the career planning and job search process.
Before joining OITE, I counseled undergraduate and graduate students and post-docs for ten years in the Johns Hopkins Career Center for the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering.

Writing letter

Common Errors in Preparing Application Materials & How to Avoid Them: Part 1

Guest Writer: Elaine Diggs, NCC, Career Counselor in OITE's Career Center Last week I was introduced on this blog, and I commented that I was eager to work together with graduate students and fellows to help you “build your career (and) shape the future.”  Since I spend considerable time helping trainees who are job hunting , I thought it might be helpful to list some of the common errors I see in reviewing trainees’ job application materials. 

Help me help you! Ideas for FAQ

We are currently assembling a “Frequently Asked Questions” link for this blog and would love to hear from YOU!
What questions or concerns do you have, or have you heard about:
…careers in general?
…the current job market?
…the self-assessment process?
…the job search?
…career options for scientists?
…other topics?
Post your comments below, and we will respond to you directly or incorporate your ideas in the new link. Thanks in advance for helping us help you!

hands putting envelope image

The Envelope Please...

While in graduate school, two close friends of mine hosted an Oscars party annually with glitzy dresses and formal wear, delicious hors d’oeuvres and drinks, and ballots with blank spaces for us to enter “Who Should Win” and “Who Will Win.” I remember that time fondly, and I still enjoy checking out the nominated films and watching the Oscars for the fashion, the personalities, and occasional drama.

Meet OITE - Elaine Diggs, NCC, NCCC

Prior to coming to NIH, I worked for a dozen years at the American Chemical Society (ACS) in Washington, D.C., where, most recently, I assisted with conducting annual leadership conferences for ACS volunteer leaders. But during most of my time at the ACS, I served in the Department of Career Services, where I recruited and trained volunteer career consultants and personally provided job search assistance, reviewed resumes, conducted mock interviews, and counseled chemists experiencing job loss.

Your Future Interviews: Gaffes v. Glory

I'm sure we all have them....our favorite bad interview stories. They may be our own, they may belong to someone else, but interview mistakes can be a blast to share around the snack machine or over lunch. My current favorite (and true) story is of a man who told someone at the organization where he was interviewing that someone else at the organization was "really annoying." Ouch! So how can you guard against becoming a cautionary tale for others?

Trouble at Work? Put on a Happy Face

After months of careful preparation, your experiment failed. You recently received negative feedback from your PI. Your submission to a prestigious journal was rejected. You work alone most of the time and feel isolated from the rest of your floor, department, or Institute. On a broader scale, you might be nervous about finding a job in this market. You might feel you don't have much to offer an employer and think that you will be unsuccessful in finding meaningful work. How can you overcome negative feelings about your work?