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Handling Telephone Communication During Interview Season

Submitted by John Taborn November 7, 2017
Now that you have applied for positions or graduate schools, the next step is that you will be contacted to set up interviews.  While many recruiters and faculty utilize email as the primary form of communication, there is still a great possibility that you will be contacted by telephone.  It important that you handle all communication in a professional manner to make the best impression possible. Here are some suggestions to help you! KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA Prepare your environment and support people for the calls in advance.
  • Record a professional greeting for your cell and land line so if you are away from the phone, your callers are greeted properly.
Suggested Script: “Hello you have reached the cell phone of {your name}.  I am unable to take your call right now.  Please feel free to leave a message with your phone number.  I will return your call as soon as I am able.”
  • Let the phone go to the answering message If you are in a lab meeting, sick, asleep, taking care of children, driving, or in a busy noisy place, Call back soon afterwards.
  • Put the organization and into your phone contacts- then if someone calls, it will show up.
  • Ask your roommates and family members to answer the phone politely and to take messages if they answer your phone. Give them a script if you need to.
Suggested Script:  Hello?  (Your first and last name) is not here right now. May I take a message? Thank you for calling.” Train yourself to answer all calls with a greeting and your name.  Avoid answering with colloquial phrases or sounds such as “Hey” “Yeah,” or saying, “uh huh,” “right,” no problem" during the interview. Suggested Script “Hello…this is Bill.” If you are in a noisy place when the phone rings
  • Let the call go to your pre-recorded message. Listen to the message, then return the call shortly afterward when you are in a quiet place.
  • If you answer, and it becomes noisy call them back.
  • Do not put the caller on hold.
Suggested script: “I am sorry, but some unexpected noise just started, may I return your call shortly.  Thank you” Address the caller with their appropriate title and use last name.
  • Use Dr., Mr., or Ms., and the caller’s last name (e.g. Dr. Smith)
Be enthusiastic throughout the entire call.
  • Try Smiling when you answer and talk on the phone
  • Sound enthusiastic. Don’t’ let any feelings of depression, irritation, anger, or fatigue creep into your voice.
Suggested Script: “I am happy to hear from you XYZ” or “I look forward to communicating with you further about the position.” End the call professionally and enthusiastically.  Suggested script: “Thank you for calling” or “I am happy that you called.  I will follow- up with you with the items that you have requested. It was nice to speak with you.” We invite you to review or various blogs about  interviewing for a variety of positions. Please visit our website to make an appointment with a career counselor, register for workshops, or watch videos to help you prepare.

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