This is a time of year when some trainees may have more than one opportunity/offer to choose a medical school, graduate program acceptance, or job offer.
Sometimes, trainees are clear about their top choice right away and sometimes the decision is harder.
Ruth Chang from the University of Oxford has given a thoughtful TED talk about situations like these.
When options are close, and as Ruth Chang, says “on a par”, then you have the opportunity to reflect and decide how you want to shape your life, what values are important to you.
Here is the link to the short TED talk on Hard Choices and the transcript if you would rather just read it.
As suggested via the OITE Career Blog, another way to consider your options would be to use a prioritizing grid. There are also many resources on our OITE YouTube channel with videos about career decision making, graduate school, medical school, etc. If you are an NIH trainee, it can also be helpful to talk with trusted mentors and a career counselor when making these important decisions.