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  • The Emotional Contagion Effect at Work – How it Impacts Burnout
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  • Juneteenth – A Time for Personal Reflection and Wellness
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  • Pride Month: Embracing Your Career Journey and Your Authentic Self
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Image of a match burning

Burn Out a Work

Burnout often presents with three tell-tale symptoms. 1. Emotional exhaustion – you might have moments where you feel temporarily re-energized but then it is quickly swallowed up by an overall feeling of exhaustion. 2. Cynicism or feeling disengaged from your work – a feeling that none of what you do really matters anyway. 3. Self-doubt – burnout can also present by feeling like you are not qualified or good enough to perform the tasks of your job.

Image of a plant beginning to grow

Help to Assess Your Career Growth

Post written by: Anne Kirchgessner, OITE Career Counselor

Recently, the OITE career counselors read an article by Leigh Branham about Questions People Need to Ask about Career Growth as posted within the National Career Development Association


The Good Life

Post written by guest blogger Emily Grugan; OITE Program Assistant


Writing an Effective Qualifications Summary for Resumes

A professional profile or qualifications summary can be a great introductory section for your resume, especially if you have over five years of experience and/or are making a career change. This can be your chance to highlight key qualifications, skills, and experiences as a snapshot for hiring managers.

This paragraph should consist of concise statements and strong action verbs to give a big picture overview of your accomplishments as they relate to the position you are targeting.


Making Friends

Post written by guest blogger Emily Grugan; OITE Program Assistant


Resume/CV Question: NIH Email?

With a possible government shutdown, many trainees were stricken with the realization that they wouldn’t have access to their NIH email.


Create a Thriving Workforce by Embracing Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in different ways.


Overview of a Talk on Flourishing and Well-being

Post written by guest blogger Emily Grugan; Postbac IRTA fellow, OITE Summer Program Staff Assistant


Using AI for Your Job Search Documents

AI has infiltrated the hiring process. As we noted in our blog post “The Resume Black Hole” most employers are using applicant tracking systems to scan your submitted documents. Job search platforms like LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, Indeed, and Monster all use language-processing AI tools to filter applications. In fact, the CEO of ZipRecruiter estimated that AI algorithms process at least 75% of all resume applications in the United States.


The Little Things

Post written by guest blogger Emily Grugan; Postbac IRTA fellow, OITE Summer Program Staff Assistant